Saturday, October 04, 2008

God's Beauty. . .

I am here in Vernon, AZ enjoying a weekend of solitude and silence (well, almost). Can I just say that it is amazing!!! God couldn't have planned a more perfect weekend for the two of us . . . I was trying to get some friends to come along, but it just didn't work out. Seems God wanted some alone time with me, and really I wanted some with Him too. The weather is PERFECT! It is cloudy and windy and cool . . . the view out the window is spectacular, and I am just soaking it all up.

In this quiet place, I have been thinking about God's beauty. How He has filled this earth with it. His poetry is written in the stars, if we have eyes to read it. His music fills the earth, if we have ears to hear it. His carpentry is all around us, if we have minds to recognize it. His dancing is played out among the trees and clouds, if have eyes to watch it (and feet to dance along). His canvas is stretched across the sky at sunset and sunrise, and we can see His brush strokes, if we just take the time to look. His pottery is all around, if have hearts to engage with it. His pottery, I think, is His favorite creation - you and I, we are His pottery. Most of it is chipped, if not completely broken, but that is where much of the beauty is seen. There is nothing more beautiful than a work of art, or a book, that is worn and used, and obviously enjoyed! It shows character. Scars show strength and the beauty that comes from those ashes is breathtaking.

God is the most amazing artist, isn't He? As much as we try, we cannot even come close!!

But here is the thing that has really touched me . . . we often hear and talk about how God has given us all of these beautiful things to enjoy. But, I'm not sure that's the case. Not that He doesn't want us to enjoy it, and finds delight when we do, but I do not think that is why He creates this beauty, this art. No. He creates for His own enjoyment. He writes and dances and sings and forms and paints for His own delight. For His own pleasure. The stars, the wind, the trees, the clouds, the sunsets, the oceans, the mountains, and each and every one of us gives Him immense pleasure. Think of all the places unseen and untouched by humans. Do you think they are blank? No! I bet they are the most beautiful places on earth or in the heavens. (The things we can see my telescope now . . . wow!! God has been enjoying those places since the beginning.)

As an artist I can understand this. I dance and sing and act because it fills me with joy, and gives me pleasure. I delight when others find pleasure in it, as well, but there are times, so many times, when I create for no one but myself. I dance in the living room, I sing in the car, and honestly I am always acting and being a bit crazy - you should see the conversations I have with myself - WHEW! All because it gives me joy (and keeps me sane). I hope that, perhaps, it gives God joy as well, to see His creation making something beautiful!


Romi said...

Oh my goodness, girlfriend what beautiful words you blog (all the better to know you ; )!! And I know that gives God great joy and makes His heart smile. Thanks for writing....AND YOU NEED TO KEEP WRITING!! Your words are incredibly inspiring, genuine, and heartfelt, as if they dance and sing (sorry if that sounded corney : (. When I write, somehow the words tend to fall flat.

Hope you n God are enjoying your time in sounds wonderful and I so wish I could have joined you!! I hope we'll have another chance in the future.

Take care and please keep sharing your heart (even if it's not for public blog consumption)! Look forward to hearing how the rest of your weekend was.

Love, hugs, n prayers!!

Brandy said...

There are numerous times when I just in awe about the beauty that God has created through nature, people, etc. He absolutey leaves me speechless.

Andrea Sipe said...
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Audrey said...

Beautiful. I love the idea of the 'places unseen'. Of course they are beautiful and magnificent - they are untouched, just as God originally created them! What an incredible image, God creating beauty for His own enjoyment. Makes me smile - thanks An.