Saturday, December 08, 2007

Season of Giving??

I have been thinking a lot about how we "kick-off" the Season of Giving with a day - a single day - called Thanksgiving. Funny. We spend one day being thankful, and then a whole month asking and whining for more stuff . . . . seems backwards, doesn't it? Seems we should spend a whole month being thankful for all we've been given, and a day, nay a mere moment thinking about what we might want.

How did it get here?? How have we gotten so far off course??

I saw the Nativity Story movie the other day, and I was so enthralled with seeing the reality (or at least this version of it) of what Christmas truly is all about. I was moved by the emotion of Joseph trying to find a suitable place for Mary to give birth, by all he gave up for a woman he barely knew and child that was not biologically his; I was moved by Mary's faith, her honesty, her youth and innocence; I loved that God's plan probably made Joseph and Mary wonder if they were on the right track. But most, I was hit by the fact that God bore His soul that night - He gave His very heart to us in Jesus. Like those moments when you see a man cry who never cries, I believe that the birth of Christ was a very vulnerable, intimate moment for God. Like finally revealing yourself for all you are to someone you are not sure will accept you. God gave us His all, and we spend our time "celebrating" with wish lists, spending sprees, and ingratitude that we didn't get exactly what we wanted . . . . . oh we talk about how "Jesus is the reason" but I have never really seen anyone whose celebrations and all they do at Christmas truly reflects the depth and magnitude of that reality. I wonder what it would look like . . . . I have no idea . . . .

Oh! I'm not pointing my finger at you anymore than I am at me - I'm as guilty as anyone, if not more so. I LOVE Christmas! I love giving gifts, and getting them; I love the decorations, and the parties, and the food . . . . this is what has made me stop and really consider how I have come so far from what Christmas really is. Yet, for all that I am, I cannot figure out how to turn the ship . . . I guess the best way to turn a ship is to turn the tide. I'm afraid it will take a mighty strong current to turn this ship around . . . .

Not that I have any suggestions - just thinking out-loud. Sorry!

Thanks for listening. Thanks for considering. And Merry Christmas!!