Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Gospel Truth

Galatians 1:8
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!

Amen! I’m not sure there’s really that much I need to say here…the gospel is the gospel, truth is truth. We live in an age when people like to think that truth is relative. Relative to what, I’d like to know? Relative to our own experiences? Relative to what we want them to be? Seems a little too sketchy for me.
Truth, in its very essence must be absolute, or else it really isn’t truth, is it? Gravity is true – whether we believe it or not, it’s there, and if we jump from a tall building we will still fall at the same rate and go splat in the end! It is truly there. We cannot see it, but we can see the effects of it. Even those who do not know what to call it, or how to explain it, know, instinctively, it is there.
And so it is with God. He is there, whether we believe it or not. We cannot see Him, but we can see the effects of His presence (more than you or I could possibly imagine). And even those who do not know Him, still know He is there, whether they would admit it or not.
So, if someone comes along and tries to convince you that gravity is all in your mind, you would think he was nuts. However, we are so easily convinced to give ear to those who would teach us something other than the steadfast truth of God. We must not listen, dear friend, as we discussed yesterday. We see here what will happen to those who try to turn us from God’s truth, even if it’s little-ol’-me (may it never be so!).
Hold fast, dear one, and keep Jesus directly in front of you. Hold the course, and do not let anyone, no matter how convincing they are, turn you from the solid truth found in God’s Word. Meet Him there, and let Him teach you truth – His perfect, beautiful truth.

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