Saturday, June 16, 2007

Howdy, howdy, howdy

I wonder how many times in a day I ignore God.

I wonder how often I make Him cry.

I wonder if He ever just wants to slap me across the face. (Oh, He's done it before . . . sometimes that's exactly what I need)

I wonder what it will be like to finally hold His hand, see His face, and dance with Him.

I wonder if my life pleases Him right now.

I wonder how my life weaves into the tapestry of this world.

I wonder, and this a lot, why He keeps after me, pursuing me with all that He is, when I am so marginal in so many ways.

He makes me smile. He makes me laugh. He's all I could ever want or need or desire.

He is my very definition - all that I am, all that I hope to be. Strip me of all else, but give me God, for He is my everything.

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