Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Stepping Down...

I have been thinking a lot lately (I know, VERY uncommon for me :D) about Jesus . . .

What do you suppose it was like for Him to step down out of eternity into the finite? How do you think it felt for Him to give up the infinite for the fragile?? I marvel at the fact that He saw His whole life laid out before Him - every day planned, and seen far in advance, yet He still chose to come down to earth and be WITH us. He chose to be confined in a robe of flesh, and experience all that life has to offer - pain, fear, struggle, temtation, love, desire, joy, sorrow, lonliness - all of it!! I wonder what it must have been like for Him.

I also wonder if I would recognize Him . . . would I know Him as a child? Would I recognize my King? Would my heart beat a little faster? I wonder - do I know Him well enough that I would recognize Him walking down the street?? I desperately want to say "yes," but I'm not so sure . . .

Oh, that I would know Him - my Savior, my Lord, my King, my Father, my Friend, My Love - that I would KNOW Him intimately, and beautifully in every way!!

Merry Christmas to you and yours. May God meet you where you are, and fill you with His joy and peace!!

Love - Andrea

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