Sunday, November 19, 2006


Dearest Friends,

I am sorry for my absence this last week from writing. Nolan, my little guy, had a sinus infection and would only sleep if mommy held him, and then we moved him into his new big-boy bed, and he has been trying to adjust to that change. Though it took a few nights, he really seems to like his new arrangements and is actually sleeping better than before! All praise and glory to God!!

Otherwise I am quite busy trying to edit the study I am currently working through with my Bible study here in Mesa, and working to get everything in-line for the next study, so that I can rest during the month of December and just celebrate Christmas. For some reason it always seems everything comes up at once, and that it is how it is going for me right now. Perhaps that is God's way of keeping me clinging to Him, because it will truly be by His grace that I get any of this done in the midst of all the activities filling my calendar.

In headline news, I actually get to spend Christmas in God's country this year, as we are traveling to Wyoming for the holiday. I am quite excited and am believing God for snow - lots of fluffy, white, perfect snow that will force me to stay inside with a hot cup of cocoa or coffee, reading a book. I can't wait to see Nolan as he experiences the wonder snow for the first time, and listen to Regann whine to go outside and then complain because she's cold. I can't wait to hear my husband, Chris, grump and mope around because of the wintry wonder of snow, and then offer to shovel the walk. Oh what an occasion!! As you can see, I am quite looking forward to freezing my fingers off, as it really isn't Christmas without a little frostbite!!

Anyway, I'll talk to you soon, as we continue through Psalm 119 together. In the mean-time, pray that I will get rested up so that my brain can properly process words again. (You wouldn't believe it, but it has taken me about 25 minutes to write this e-mail.)

OK then, see ya later! Much love - Andrea

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