Monday, November 24, 2008

Sweet Whisper

I heard it . . . I finally heard it. About a week ago, I was driving along and I heard it - that still, soft whisper of love and tenderness that fills my heart and gets it beating wildly. It lasted only a moment, but the echo remained for a while and thrilled me more than I realized it ever could. I felt so loved! So full! So alive!

As I began to reflect on this (as I am FULLY aware that God is always with me, always near), I began to think about how I lived a good 3 years of my life with this voice in my heart and me head consistently. He was there guiding me, talking to me, laughing with me, crying with me, debating with me, teaching me, and just living life with me. As the voice began to fade, I found myself despondent (as most of you know from reading this blog). I understand now that I am in a different season . . . I am now in a winter season of pruning - that dreadful process of getting rid of anything that needs cutting out of my life. And being stubborn and quite slow to learn, this season is lasting quite a while. So, as you can imagine, the breeze of His voice, though brief, offered me a glimpse and a reminder of why I am enduring.

And it forced me to stop and think . . . I take it so for granted . . . I take HIM for granted, in almost every way. His presence, His voice, His guidance . . . His love. Because He was my constant companion for 3 years, it seemed like no big deal. I no longer thrilled at His voice and His touch. His attention. Yet, in this season of perceived emptiness, I find that I am starving for Him - even the slightest nod in my direction and feel faint with joy!

Why can't I be like that all the time? I should NEVER take Him for granted. I should never allow the fact that He is with me - the Creator God of the Universe, who is so far beyond me, so utterly different in every way - He is WITH ME, and that should blow my mind each and every minute of each and every day!! That should never become ho-hum, and I should NEVER cease to marvel at the fact that He chose me. When He could have chosen anyone else . . . so many others so much BETTER than me, so much better . . . yet He dug to the bottom, scraped me off the floor, and made me His own.

May we never cease to be amazed by His grace and mercy and love!

Passionately Pursuing God,

PS - I also want to take a minute and say to each and every one of you who responded to my last post - THANK YOU!! Thank you for the encouragement, for the understanding, for the Scripture, and for the correction!! I am blessed beyond belief to have friends who will step up and tell my what I need to hear, even if I don't want to, who will encourage me with what God is teaching them, and who will stand by me when I seem to be more lost than found!! You guys are the BEST, and I love you!


Cassie said...

Yay!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad to hear it! I have been thinking about and praying for you lots lately. I hope that you are blessed in this season, and that He keeps giving you whispers to encourage you on the way. Let me know if there is anything you need.

Romi said...

"May we never cease to be amazed by His grace and mercy and love!" AMEN, Andrea!!! : ) Oh Wow,oh WOW I'm so overjoyed and elated for you!! Praises for a steadfast and loving God who NEVER forgets, abandons or rejects us inspite of ourselves!! I'm so grateful that you could feel His sweet loving breeze and understand that He's always near even when it doesn't feel that way!! It's becoming very apparent to me that despite the poopiness of this season you've been in, God has been teaching and revealing so much to you! The truths you're discovering about Him and about yourself are so encouraging and such important reminders to us all. What a comfort that our God is such a loving, patient, and purposeful parent who always knows what's best for us (even when it hurts like hell)! Just know I'm rejoicing with you, I'm here for you, and I'm still praying and cheering you on!! Thanks for sharing and really blessing my day!! : ) xoxoxo

SaraMarie said...

And not a moment too soon...


Brandy said...

There really is nothing better than the sweet whisper of God. Nothing.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Stacey said...

Yay! I'm so happy!

Anonymous said...

That's just psycological violence!
Your words and all you say about voices and stuff!
Shame on you for your totally sealed way of thinking!
Your banner about abortion in America is totally unacceptable!
If you can't feel the pain for a mother to choose to not have her baby you just don't know what is piety and christianity!
I'd rather go to hell than be like you!

Andrea Sipe said...

I'm not even sure you'll read this, Konrad, but in the event that you do . . . first of all, I'd like to know how this is "psychological violence" . . . I'm expressing my thoughts and feelings, nothing more. You don't have to agree - I'm totally OK with that. As far as the abortion ticker, you need to read the post I made for it, because it actually has EVERYTHING to do with the women, not the babies. I know it's not blatantly obvious from my page, but if you really want to rag on me, I would suggest you at least read what I have to say about it. And I've never said I have Christianity all figured out . . . in fact, I think quite the opposite. I know so little about God, who He is, and what it means to follow Him that I feel completely inept. So, I would hope you would never follow me - I'll only lead you astray. Jesus is the One to follow - but that's your choice. God's cool that way. Have a great day, and thanks for your comment!

Anonymous said...

Well, i can say that i appreciate your capacity to talk with people that doesn't agree with you and this is such a rare quality in people nowadays.
I have my opinion that have come after such a long reflection but i think it's pretty tha same for you so i apologise for not have understood you deply.
good day

Andrea Sipe said...

Hey Konrad, I totally understand. I do the same thing all the time (coming to quick conclusion before taking the time to understand someone) . . . I think that's why I've been having trouble lately with "connecting" on-line. I don't think it can ever be a full connection, because we can't talk, face-to-face and try to understand where the other person is coming from. I think that can be a HUGE danger in blogging (you'll notice it's been a while since I've blogged.) I think people these days have almost forgotten how to connect and talk to people in person, and therefore how to relate to anyone, even when you don't agree. I understand that everyone isn't going to agree with me, and I actually think it makes the world a beautiful and wonderful place to live! How boring to have a bunch of people who all thought the same thoughts! A bunch of robots. :) I love to hear what other people think and believe - it allows me to reflect even deeper regarding what I believe and why. I am ALWAYS willing to change my mind, and come to new conclusions . . . I think it's part of growing and learning. So, thanks for being candid and open, and I'm glad you came back!! :) Have a wonderful day!