Friday, October 06, 2006

A Little Fruit for Thought

Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

When we are living by the Spirit, and allowing Him to change us, as we have discussed the last two days, the fruit that is produced in our lives will be magnificent! When we have the fruit of the Spirit, people begin to take notice that we are different. Different from the world around us, and different from how we used to be.
I’m sure each and every one of us could look at this list and see all the areas in which we fall short. Yet, what a beautiful thing it is when we begin to see the Spirit’s work in us each and every day, in each and every little situation. We see the fruit He is producing, and begin to marvel that He is changing us little-by-little. When we begin looking for God in all things, every day, walking in the Spirit, these fruits will be the result of the cultivation of that relationship. And “against such things there is no law.” In other-words we can practice these things as much as we want, as much as we can. We can have an abundant crop, and still have room for more.
Today, let’s each take the time to look at the fruit God has been producing in us. I know that many times we are urged to look at this list and take stock of what we need to work on, but I think we get plenty of that. Sometimes we need to see how far we’ve come, instead of how far we have to go. (I think we’re all acutely aware that we’ve each got a LONG way!) So let’s look at our “branches” and see what is growing there, praising God for the miraculous work in us!
Walk today in the knowledge that God is doing a great, miraculous, and beautiful work in you!

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