Monday, October 02, 2006


Galatians 5:9
"A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough."

Are there any bakers out there? If so, then you will understand this concept, probably better than even I do.
Yeast, often used to describe sin in the Bible, is actually a living thing, a fungus that grows rapidly and wildly under the right circumstances. In fact, it takes lukewarm water (and a little bit of sugar) to activate it and begin its growth process. Revelation 3:15-16 talks about the deeds of Laodicea, how they are not cold or hot, but lukewarm. I think of cold deeds being cool, refreshing, encouraging, and energizing. Where-as hot deeds would be warm, comforting, soothing, and calming. Lukewarm deeds would be neither, probably self-centered, self-righteous, and judgmental – a perfect place for the yeast of sin to grow and spread.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes it only takes one person to get a while group of people riled up? Gossip, backstabbing, division, and dissention often start with only one person and it grows from there.
So, how can we protect ourselves from this? We need to have hot or cold deeds – cold deeds won’t activate the yeast, and hot deeds kill it off. Instead of being self-focused, we need to be focused on Jesus and others. When we are consumed with serving others, lifting them up, comforting them, and helping them out, we don’t have the time (or generally the desire) to allow yeast to get in the way and ruin the wonderful things we have going on.
Let’s start today by thinking of someone we can help soothe and comfort, or encourage and refresh. Send them a card, take them a meal, make them some cookies, or even just give them a call or a hug. We were designed to live in community with each other, and this is one of the many reasons why.

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