Saturday, October 07, 2006

Swept Away

Galatians 5:25-26
Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

We have been talking about living in the Spirit – watching for Him every day in everything we do, everywhere we go. This is a tough habit to form, isn’t it? We tend to be so easily distracted with what we need to get done, where we are supposed to be, etc. It takes practice, conscious practice. And when we find our minds have strayed, we need to stop and re-focus, asking God to bring our focus back to Him.
Yet, this is not all. We must take it a step further. We must not only look for Him, but we must then participate with Him in whatever work He is doing. We can see His hand leading us to a needy person, but we must then step-up and help that person out. We must be the hands of Jesus. And we must grasp His hand, and follow His lead. It is not enough to merely recognize His presence and movement. We must allow ourselves to be swept up by His Spirit, and be carried away with Him.
Otherwise, as it says, we may “become conceited, provoking and envying each other.” There’s that enemy tactic again – getting us to fight with each other, so that we ignore him and the world completely. Again, I just think that it comes back to the fact that when we stop focusing on God, we begin to focus on ourselves, and that just never ends up good.
Let’s walk by the Spirit today, keeping in step with Him. Let Him sweep you up and carry you away. Look for Him, loved one, as He is relentlessly pursuing you!

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